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Solution for rewrite the DDNS user and password
时间:2016-08-23来源:EasyN support
 Solution for rewrite the DDNS user and password

1、ip cameras search tool downloading
Please download from this link:http://www.easyn.cn/upload/IPCamerasearch.rar
Unzip this file,it shows as below,
Click “ipcamerasearch”,it shows as follow,
Double click H3 IPCAM in the left box
2、set the camera with browser
Input the camera’s user name default is admin,password is admin to log in the webpage of the camera,if you have changed the user name and password,please input the correct user name and password that you have changed.
Log in the webpage of the camera,click the first button to sign in,
Log in view the video on the webpage,click the options button to log in the background of the camera.

Click Networking-Remote Access as below,

3.Input new user name and password of the cameras remote access
when you got the 8bits username and password in your mailbox,please input it on  above box and click “OK”as follow,
Once again click IPCameraSearch as below,
It will show the Outer access like this http://sqfg0dbv.easyn.hk,it’s DDNS address as well.
NOTE:If you no need to use DDNS access your camera remotely,please Click “Close”button or change the password of your camera usually for security, this password is your camera’s password,you can click Advanced Settings-user manage to find it,it’s not the DDNS password.
When you have finished all settings,please power off your router and reboot it.

Please Email us directly if you’ve got multiple cameras
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